We purchased 0141 from the Lindskov-Thiel (LT) ranch in 2021. This cow represents the goals of Kovarik Cattle Co as she has produced several top selling bulls at LT including LT Foremost who is a current herd sire for the Thiel ranch. We love her daughters in production and will continue to utilize her genetics going forward. Pictured at 14 years of age.
We partnered with an Australian breeder to acquire this outstanding female. She is the mother of ABS Sire Response and Genex Sire Elevate. She was our top pick from the Sitz female sale and we are exited about the influence this cow will have on our future here at Kovarik Cattle Co.
7094 was one of the original cows we flushed from Linskov-Theil. We now have several daughters in production and each one continues to impress us. There will be several grandsons selling for years to come out of these great young cows.
This Resource Networth daughter was our top pick from the Iron Mountain dispersion sale. This dam is an excellent egg producer and our herd will be littered with her and Chiefton progenies.
This is the first 0141 daughter we flushed. Her bulls topped last year's 2024 sale, and he Justification Son earned the lead off spot in his sire group. This young cow represents our goals from structure, udder and disposition.
This female is the mother of 7038 and grandmother of our prized LT Chiefton. When she came available for sale we knew we had to acquire her for the added maternal value she will bring to our herd.
We selected LT Chiefton from the 2022 Lindskov-Thiel (LT) sale. After several years of evaluating his mother 7038, we knew we needed to incorporate her genetics into our herd. The combination of Pathfinder x 7038 brought another powerful matriarch (3015) forward. We have been pleased with the real world performance and structural integrity and cannot wait to see the first daughters in production.
Justification was the Justified son we chose to carry forward. He has an elite EPD profile that complimented our cattle. While the sons of Justification are impressive, we believe the daughters may prove to be better.
After touring Sitz's and viewing Dignity's mother, 53F, and Resilient's mother, 1856, we were impressed and chose to combine through Sitz Dignity. Look for Dignity calves to have perfect structure, added muscle shape, and beautiful udders. .
Talents mother is a Converse daughter that we had observed for several years at Thiel Ranch. While he carries forward the positive attributes of udder and structure, Talent also possess calving ease, carcass value, and fleshing ability. We are proud to own this bull in partnership with Genex and Thiel Ranch. Our first Talents will be born in February of 2025 and we look forward to the first calves hitting the ground. Semen will be available through Genex.